21955 Minnetonka Blvd, Excelsior, MN 55331 kmenk@srpllc.com

Office Address

  • 121 King Street, Australia
  • example@gmail.com
  • (00) 2500-123-4567

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The SRP Roadmap to Enhance Your
Competitive Advantage

Who are your most lucrative customers?
What are their unmet needs?
How do you get their attention?

What ideas have lasting potential?
What messages inspire interest?
What designs are compelling and unique?

How do we maximize purchase interest?
How do we inspire and reward loyalty?
How do we convert customers to advocates?

What Clients Say About SRP

"SRP has been my primary strategic insights partner for more than two decades. They invested the time to understand our business along with our primary competitors’. They understand the realities of limited resources and compressed deadlines. Yet they always surpass our expectations in effectively discovering and communicating opportunities and solutions beyond the collected data."
VP Marketing
Global Managed Healthcare Company
"The guidance provided by Strategic Resource Partners and Enrollment Impact is creative in design and strategic in application. They are familiar with the nuances of enrollment management and are experts at predicting consumer behavior, an excellent combination as you look for a partner to enhance your competitive advantage."
VP of Enrollment
Midwest Private College